View Profile IronTiger63

41 Game Reviews

3 w/ Responses


Great game, smooth interface, etc etc. Good time waster and very entertaining.

Unfortunately, it seems to crash for me. I think it has something to do with too many objects on-screen at once. I say this because it only crashes when I'm at the last store and I am rolling in money and people are swarming the store.

Simply put,

this is the best game ever.

hugenuts responds:

I tell no lies

The best art game on NG

Damn, there is just too much I have to say about this game. I'll try to keep it neat and organized.

Presentation/Sound: Definitely loving the (almost) one-bit art style. The simplicity of the player and the ground he walked on contrasted with the strange monoliths scattered around in a captivating way. I would use this game as an example if anyone ever asked me when simple visuals are better than high-end ones. As for sound, I'll just say it gets the job done. I would have liked a bit more variety, but it was good nonetheless.

Gameplay: I suppose it takes a certain kind of temperament to enjoy this game. As a person that enjoys exploration games (I've sunken numerous hours into games such as Fallout 3 and Mass Effect) I can say that I loved it. I've noticed a large amount of negative reviews that are largely centered around the fact that it is so difficult to explore the area. Personally, I think that logic is unfounded. Where's the challenge in having a map? If this 'Looming' place is supposed to be some barren void, why would you expect it to be easy? In fear of going on too long, I'll just cut it short: The majority of these negative reviews aren't worth seriously considering. I wouldn't change this at all.

Story: I suppose this is what it all boils down to; does it have a good story? In that regard, I'd say you have succeeded magnificently. In this game there is a world that I found I was actually very interested in. The story (or rather, the backstory) was compelling enough that I found myself sweeping the map TWICE to find the last artifact I was missing so i could get the last ending.

Closing Comments: One thing that sticks out in my mind was the inclusion of your developer notes once you unlocked everything. Reading that was probably one of the things that stopped me from crying out "pretentious art bullshit" like everyone else seems to be doing. In giving us your thought process behind this, it becomes that more viable as true 'art'.

I'm finished.



Only problem? A rather annoying glitch. If you have the Supersonic ability available but a streak of 0, and then use said Supersonic ability, the round will prematurely end. My only conclusion is that this would be too awesome for my processors to handle.

Good, but off-balance.

The units are either way to powerful or completely useless. How the hell to heavily armored knights on horses lose to some lightly armored guys with swords? Why do the archers do pretty much no damage?

Graphics, interface, etc is all good. It's just the actual gameplay that's a bit lacking.


Truly a work of art. Nothing more to say.

I got 179976 out of 180000. Top score for today! AWESOME.


Love it, love the concept and everything. Good music, good idea, etc.
Only problem: needs a restart button.


I think I'm going to go kill myself now. Thank you for opening my eyes.

Suffers from poor level design

The game itself works fine. I didn't get any lag or any annoying glitches. However, I just want to say that the levels weren't very good. They required too much trial-and-error than there should be for a game that focuses on speed. I would make it so there isn't as much 'fog' so you know what to anticipate coming up faster.


Good sound effects, nice interface very simple. My only problem with it was that it seemed like there was WAY too much bullet drop. Accuracy challenge was pretty much impossible with the M1A because of this. Just lighten up on the bullet drop and that would bump my vote up to a 10.


Age 29, Male


Bellevue International School

Bellevue, WA

Joined on 2/12/08

Exp Points:
220 / 280
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> 100,000
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4.28 votes
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> 100,000
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